A conversation with AFFXWRKS

Nepenthes London visited Taro in the AFFXWRKS Studio in London to discuss the collaboration with South2 West8.
Nepenthes London: What was your design process behind the collaboration, from an initial stance to the final outcome?
Taro: When looking for a theme to connect the two brands together, we delved into researching a subculture that had a strong connection with the outdoors, in homage to the origins of the South2 West8 story.
This brought us to the UK FreeTekno Movement. A scene that was birthed in the 90s by organisers like Spiral Tribe and Bedlam, who believed in creating spaces for like-minded people to come together outdoors through music by doing raves in the wild, free from the restraints of an urban environment.
Decades later, the mindset and attitude of the FreeTekno scene still lives on through parties like UK Tek, continuing to connect people with each other and their natural habitat. AFFXWRKS has always looked to help provide better living to the communities it looks up to. In the instance of this collaboration, we looked at staples from the South2 West8 wardrobe and built in functions and features that made these items better suited to someone who would be partying in the outdoors.
Nepenthes London: With the South2 West8 core product designed for fly fishing and being outdoors, did you have to change your approach with this collaboration?Taro: With any collaboration we take on we always maintain the same approach. The power of South2 West8 as a brand comes from its attention to the user and their needs, originating in the life of a fly fisherman. Our role is to help redefine the context of these items to suit the needs of a new audience. In this case, a different kind of outdoors person.
Nepenthes London: The crossover in functionality with AFFXWRKS & South2 West8 is clear. What specific design elements in the partnership highlight this?Taro: A trouser zips open at the back to allow for breathability when dancing for long hours. A bag is designed to hold drinks when out partying, and transform into a belt to be discreetly kept out the way as the dancer continues to stay out. Lastly, a waterproof head cover is made to be easily packable and designed to sit over a cap in case of changeable weather. This is outdoor clothing made for a different outdoor person.
Nepenthes London: We admire the functionality in your designs. Is this a big focus for you when designing your collections?Taro: We have always admired functional clothing that puts focus on the craft of the item over the individual. This has many parallels to the identity of the original DJ, who was judged for their use of sound over their appearance.
Over time our understanding of function has expanded. Clothing can also function as a social signifier, allowing you to find people to connect with through dress codes. A simplified item might have little outwardly visible function, but can signify a disinterest in excess. A certain boot might have have strong symbolic connections with a certain culture's uniform identity.
With each collection we try to capture a balance of items that deliver the story of function in different ways, always within the context of today.
Nepenthes London: How do you merge your interest in music and nightlife into your brand?Taro: We do a monthly broadcast where we showcase mixes from talent that excites us, and have been doing so since the very start of AFFXWRKS. We also host parties and events on a frequent basis as a way to connect with the culture that continues to motivate us all. We want to show support to the people we think are building something unique in their community and their sound.
The team at AFFXWRKS today all met on the dancefloor. The interest and love for the culture that brought us together naturally feeds into our design work in both conscious and unconscious ways, and emerges from the dialogues we have as we develop the collection.
Nepenthes London: Speaking of nightlife, do you feel there has been a resurgence in this culture? Or has it always been there, and you just have to find it?Taro: There has definitely been a resurgence in the citizenry's interest of nightlife. The culture itself has been consistently there, ever evolving. Now however, its situation in the public eye has definitely made its existence more visible for many.
It’s great to see the exposure that this culture can form. It can bring more financial support to artists as the industry grows and can lead to more viable options to living off income within the industry. Of course there are downfalls that are of any industry that becomes a form of tourism, nevertheless its always positive to see a valued source of culture and community reap the recognition it deserves.
The South2 West8 x AFFXWRKS capsule collection is now available at Nepenthes London.